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  • Počet hodnotení: 20
    TOP DJ : 56
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Dj Payo (SK)
Hip Hop / Electro / Hip House / Reggaeton
  • O mne: Informácie
    Nitriansky DJ, člen Djského teamu Gran Fiesta party bangers. Jeho hudobná selekcia je zameraná na Latino, House, Dance, Mashups

    Nitriansky DJ, člen Djského teamu Gran Fiesta party bangers. Djingu sa venuje od roku 1994. Payo hral vo všetkých nitrianskych podnikoch a na väčšine zásadných parties v Nitre. Je multižánrovým djom a v jeho eklektických setoch môžete nájsť Hip Hop, RnB, Cubano, Latino, Reggaeton, Dance, House.
    Vo svojom voľnom čase sa venuje masteringu. Pripravil final master pre kapelu Borra, ktorá odznela v Eurovision Song Contest 2010, master pre rappera Kaidžasa ( V Mene Ulíc 2 mixtape ), master pre rappera Ičisa ( Hudbou Zviazaný ), master pre rappera Vagabunda ( Môj život ), master mixtapu Dj Jancco – Electro Club Flava a master vlastneho mixtapu Dj Payo – Ibiza Summer Mixtape 1-2 a všetky mixtape z dielne Gran Fiesta. Momentálne sa naplno venuje hraniu za Gran Fiestu.
    Residentný DJ : Barracuda Club Nitra
    Hranie v kluboch: The Club Bratislava, Irish Castle Pub Nové Zámky, Space Club Snina

    ABOUT ME: Information
    Nitra DJ, DJs team member Gran Fiesta party bangers. His music selection is focused on Latino, House, Dance, Mashups

    DJ from Nitra, DJs team member Gran Fiesta party bangers. DJing is dedicated since 1994. DJ Payo Nitra played in all businesses and most essential parties in Nitra. He is a multi-genre DJ and his eclectic sets, you can find Hip Hop, RnB, Cubano, Latino, Reggaeton, Dance, House.
    In his free time is devote to mastering. Prepared final master for the band Borra, which subsided in the Eurovision Song Contest 2010, the master for rapper Kaidžas (V Mene ulíc 2 mixtape), the master for rapper Ičis (Hudbou Zviazaný), the master for rapper Vagabund (Môj život), master mixtape DJ Jancco - Electro Club Flava and master of his own mixtape DJ Payo - Ibiza Summer Mixtape 1-2 and all the mixtape made by Gran Fiesta. Radio Edit Horkyže Slíže - Mám p.či (mončiči) na lehátku. This time he is fully focused on playing for Gran Fiesta.
    The resident DJ: Barracuda Club Nitra
    Playing in clubs: The Club Bratislava, Irish Castle Pub Nové Zámky & Space Club Snina