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Dátum : 27.7.2014     od : 21:00     do : 04:00
Miesto konania : RE:FRESH music club & restaurant, Ventúrska 5, Bratislava, Slovensko

Podrobnosti :

Re:fresh klub otvára svoje brány aj každú nedeľu. V pokojnejšej atmosfére, v rytme pomalších beatov môžete zrekapitulovať svoj týždeň.
Do you feel an irresistible urge to share you weekend adventures with your friends on a Sunday night? We, at the Re:fresh club, understand this feeling and for this purpose we have prepared regular Sunday get together called Re:capitulation. On every Sunday night you can visit our club and recapitulate your weekend to the rhythm of slower and perhaps less usual beats, provided by our resident DJs such as Shabba Kong, Radko Obratko, Egoist, Junior etc.

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